Friday, April 20, 2007

Getting Started- The first five

We started NAET treatments with Doc Sue on November 20, 2006. There are a basic fifteen treatments that must be completed in a specific order before moving on. On November 20, we treated both boys for BBF, which is "Brain Body Balance Formula." They both did fine.At the beginning of the protocol, I only logged specific information for Daniel because I expected to see the most dramatic results with him simply because he had further to go. It was not long before we started noticing the most dramatic differences in Jonah's speech, cognition, and socialization.
On 11/25, we treated both boys for Egg Mix. Two days later, Daniel was approximating the words "one, two, three" when playing with Chris (prior to this day, he only said the number "two"). He also made his first two word approximation, saying "milk please" instead of just one or the other individually. Prior to NAET, Daniel only had about 15-20 words in his vocabulary all of which had begun after the gluten free/casien free diet. The next day, Choo Choo Soul came on the Disney channel, and he started singing along, "Chugga Chugga shhhhh."
November 29, we treated both boys for Calcium mix. November 30 was not a good day in the Stadler household. Daniel was whiny, clingy, and acting sleepy. He did okay in therapy, but not great. At this point in the process I did not know how to recognize the signs of a "blown treatment." When we went back to Doc Sue, he had not passed calcium, and we had to re-treat five times before he passed. As we treated, he became progressively more calm with each treatment. On December 1, Daniel woke up much happier, and when I asked if he wanted to go downstairs like I do every morning, he clearly made a two syllable approximation for downstairs- this was his first two syllable word. Later that day, he was putting a sticker on and off of the wall saying "on" and "off." December 4- Daniel had an excellent day at school ("his best"), and he said both octagon and snowman
December 6th, we treated for Vitamin C Mix. At that time, we re-tested for all compontents of calcium and egg mix, and he had passed them all. :) Yippee!!! On December 7, Daniel said "yellow" in therapy and he began identifying body parts (eye, nose) by pointing to them and saying them!!!!!!!!!
December 20th, we treated for Vitamin B Mix.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I really liked the voo doo therapy title!