Saturday, April 21, 2007

The next Five

Wow! I am getting really creative with these titles here, huh?

  • On 12/31, we treated the boys for sugar mixture. The next day Jonah craved sugar during the elimination period. Asking for foods that we never even had in the house. We knew this was going to happen eventually and is an indication of allery (note: this is true of all of us... we often crave what our bodies are allergic to). Jonah was also very hyper during this time

  • 1/3/07- Jonah needed a booster for sugar, and we treated both boys for iron mixture.

  • 1/8/07- We treated both boys for vitamin A mixture, and they both passed with no issues. Daniel was socializing much better and was making roaring noises when playing with a dinosaur. He had never done this before.
  • 1/27/07- Both boys were treated for mineral mixture. This one is tough because during the elimination period (25 hours following the treatment), they were not suppossed to come into contact with metals. Think about that in your life and how difficult that would be. Doctor Sue came over to our house after the boys went to bed, and treated them in their sleep so that hopefully they would pass the treatment during the night. Both boys required additional magnesium treatments, which is part of that mixture.

  • 1/29/07-We treated both boys for salt mixture. Both boys passed with no issues, and Daniel said six new words in therapy.

By now we were really starting to notice differences in Jonah. He was much more conversational- instead of one sided speech- and his speech was maturing daily. I was on the phone with my best friend Nikki, who does not get to see Jonah on a weekly basis, and she could hear him talking in the background. She could not believe that is was Jonah because he sounded so mature. :) Speech was not the only difference though, he was getting phenomenal reports from school in areas of social and cognitive. He was following multi step directions better as well as understanding his environment better!!!

FYI- chris chose the photo for this post, so I have no explaination. :)

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