Next on the list, we treated enzymes. There are 78 different enzymes, but from this point on, we only have to treat if they are individually allergic, meaning that we allergy test (using muscle testing), and treat only when they show an allergy. Enzymes are crucial for metabolizing all sorts of substances, and enzyme deficiency has proven to have a strong connection to autism.
Jonah needed to be treated for many more enzymes that Daniel. As a side note, the younger the patient, the fewer allergies that have been built up in their bodies. We treated Jonah for enzyme # 5 (Acetyl CoEnzA) on March 5, enzyme #12 (A-1 Antitrypsin) on March 12, enzyme #15 (Amino Peptidase) on March 14, enzyme #62 (Nicotinic Acetylcholin) on March 26, and enzyme #18 (Antiangiogenic Factor) on March 30. In April, we continued on with enzymes and treated Jonah for enzyme #31 (Fructose 6 Phosphate) on April 5. That finally completed Jonah's enzyme treatments. Jonah was very volatile during this time frame. Even as he passed each enzyme it seemed as if his body needed to get through the entire group of enzymes to function properly. Once we finished though, he was back to normal.
Jonah needed to be treated for many more enzymes that Daniel. As a side note, the younger the patient, the fewer allergies that have been built up in their bodies. We treated Jonah for enzyme # 5 (Acetyl CoEnzA) on March 5, enzyme #12 (A-1 Antitrypsin) on March 12, enzyme #15 (Amino Peptidase) on March 14, enzyme #62 (Nicotinic Acetylcholin) on March 26, and enzyme #18 (Antiangiogenic Factor) on March 30. In April, we continued on with enzymes and treated Jonah for enzyme #31 (Fructose 6 Phosphate) on April 5. That finally completed Jonah's enzyme treatments. Jonah was very volatile during this time frame. Even as he passed each enzyme it seemed as if his body needed to get through the entire group of enzymes to function properly. Once we finished though, he was back to normal.
We treated Daniel for Enzyme #44 (Jexpsa omdase) on March 5 and Enzyme #69 (Pyruvate Caboxylase) on March 12. Those were the only enzymes treated, and Daniel did great throughout. Since Jonah was still stuck in enzyme world, we started treating Daniel for vaccinations. We treated hime for DPT on March 14, and then we got sidetracked...
Without going into too much detail, I will just say that you can also treat for fears, and we spent some time really focusing on Jonah for a couple of weeks. During that time, since Daniel was already ahead of Jonah, we kind of stopped treating Daniel for a couple of weeks. Looking back on this time, I noticed that Daniel had started some visual stimming (such as looking at objects close up and moving them close to and far from his face or putting them behind his head and moving them into his line of vision). This became very pronounced at Jonah's space themed birthday party. Doctor Sue and I thought it must be all of the food coloring, and the only dietary difference that I could think of over the last two weeks was frosted pop tarts instead of plain. Those also had food coloring.
On March 25, we were ready to treat for the food dye in pop tarts wehn we realized that Daniel had not passed his DPT treatment that we had done almost two weeks prior. So, we re-treated for his DPT vaccination. On March 28, Daniel had his BEST DAY EVER!!! Both his special instructor, Ms. Susan, and his speech teacher, Ms. Deborah noticed a major change in him. He was more focused, playing with his firends and the eye stim was gone. At Mother's Morning Out, his teacher reported that they could not believe the change and that they couldn't even think that he was the same child. :) These are teachers who know nothing about spectrum disorders or the fact Daniel is undergoing NAET!!!!!
On March 30, we finally moved on to food dyes, and we had to re-treat them on April 6.
I'm sorry that this one is such a long post, but this was one of our most exciting times, not only with NAET but in the lives of our boys!!!
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