Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Finishing basic Fifteen

These next five treatments were really pivotal for us which makes sense considering that this completes "basic 15."

Here they are:

  • It took from January 31 to February 5 for the boys to pass grain mix. That makes total sense because they both responded so well to the gluten free diet, and gluten is part of that grain mixture. Jonah required 5 extra treatments on buckwheat. he also needed additional gluten and sprouted wheat treatments. Daniel only needed additional buckwheat, but we also gave him a gluten booster. This all means that you treat for the original mixture and then you have to test each individual component to see if they have passed.

  • February 5, both boys passed corn mixture.

  • On February 6, after both boys had passed all of the grain mixture, they both got great reports at school. Jonah made multiple spontaneous requests, which is normal behavior at home, but not necessarily at school, and Daniel participated and followed directions very well without prompts from the teacher.

  • February 7- The next treatment on the list is artificail sweeteners. We opted to skip this treatment since the boys don't consume artificail sweeteners. We might come back to it later just to be on the safe side. We moved on to the yeast treatment. Not surprisingly, we had to treat each boy multiple times to get them to pass. We also had to treat candida individually on both of them, and Jonah requred a booster on tortula yeast. I knew this would be a difficult treatment because I firmly believe that the overgrowth of yeast in their bodies has a lot to do with their brains moving slowly. There is a book called The Second Brain that links problems in the gut to problems in the brain including focus, lethargy, and even developmental delays.

  • February 14- We met with Jonah's teacher today, and got an excellent report. He has passed so many of his goals that she requested a meeting to re-write additional goals so that they have things to work on with him. Keep in mind that Jonah just started this class in late November, so we are only talking about a 2 1/2 month time frame. IEP goals are suppossed to take one year or more to complete. His teacher also reported taht Jonah is a leader and an example for the other students. At this point though, she thought that Jonah would need to return to the class next year and would benefit from the continuity of coming every day.

  • February 21- we treated both boys for stomach acids. There were no real issues with this one.

  • February 22- Daniel's therapists (speech, Occupational therapy, and special instructers) are all reporting that he seems more focused and is initiating more and making more eye contact without prompts. Daniel is also imitating Jonah more (some words but also behaviors) and he is initiating and engaging play and interactions with Jonah. For example, at bedtime, Daniel likes to turn the air filter in their bedroom off and then runs away looking at Jonah for his reaction and laughs when Jonah gets mad and turns it back on. Daniel also likes to hug his friends at Mother's Morning Out now. It is precious!

Ta Da!

That is basic fifteen. Since this time, both my parents, my younger sister, my husband, and numerous other family friends have begun treatments with amazing results.

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